The Crisis Center has offered a Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy Program to support victims and their families since 1987. We answer the call from the National Sexual Assault Telephone Hotline 800.656.HOPE (4673).

We can help you start the healing process, navigate the criminal justice system or find a therapist. We can help you understand what happened and decide what action to take next. Advocates on call can meet you at the hospital or police department or attend proceedings. All of your information will remain confidential.

Victims of sexual assault often feel like they are to blame for what happened to them. They often think “If only I hadn’t…” or “If only I’d done that differently.” If you or someone you love is a victim of sexual violence, please know that sexual assault is never the victim’s fault. The Sexual Assault Victim Advocacy Program at the Crisis Center is based on these beliefs:

  • Victims of sexual assault are never to blame for the attack or abuse.
  • Sexual assault is an expression of power and aggression.
  • Anyone can become a victim regardless of age, gender, race, appearance, or economic status.
  • Sexual violence occurs whenever a person is forced to engage in sexual behavior against their will.